Written by Mohammad Awad/ Egyptian Writer and Translator
Literal translation or word-for-word translation conveys the form of the text while faithful translation
conveys meaning and form. In other words, the faithful translation conveys the author’s intention of the text. For example, when you translate the following two terms in medical domain (Thesis Protocol), you have two choices: 1- Literal translation Inclusion criteria: معايير الاشتمال Exclusion criteria: معايير الاستبعاد 2- Faithful translation Inclusion criteria: معايير اختيار العينات Exclusion criteria: معايير استبعاد العينات
conveys meaning and form. In other words, the faithful translation conveys the author’s intention of the text. For example, when you translate the following two terms in medical domain (Thesis Protocol), you have two choices: 1- Literal translation Inclusion criteria: معايير الاشتمال Exclusion criteria: معايير الاستبعاد 2- Faithful translation Inclusion criteria: معايير اختيار العينات Exclusion criteria: معايير استبعاد العينات
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